Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sun Java System Identity Manager(With Passion) free online course

The 1st session of free "Sun Java System Identity Manager
(with Passion!)" free online course will start on September
17thd, 2007. The course contents are created based in the
latest IDM version (7.1), providing the basis for
the administration and development activities. This
course is being taught by Gabriel Magarino.

Each topic has a hands-on lab which contains "ready to open
and build" NetBeans projects. For more information, please
go to the course websites below.

Course topics:
Course website:
Course FAQ:

This course runs very much like a regular college course in
which the students are expected to do weekly homework after
studying the presentation material and doing the hands-on
lab but it is free and can be taken online. There is also
class email alias where students can ask/answer questions.

Sang Shin,
(Life is worth living... with Passion!)
Sun Tech Days Developer Conference: Boston
Sep.12th 2007: Sun Tech Day
Sep.11th,2007: NetBeans Day, OpenSolaris Day

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 What font?

I installed Limons, ABC, Siemreap, Ekreach and other Khmer fonts, but the text on doesn't look right.

Do you know what font does the site use?

Netbeans 6M10 & Vista:Workaround

I finally managed to make Netbeans 6 shake hands with Vista.
Here is how I do:

I Right clicked on the setup file and chose Properties.
On the Compatibility tab I ticked the options as shown in the figure on the left.

Netbeans 6M10 & Vista:Disappointment

As my Acer 5630 crashes on XP, I try my luck on Vista.
While Netbeans 6 Milestone 10 runs smoothly on XP, it refuses to play nice on Vista.
When I try to make new project, there's nothing for me to select on the project category list!

I use Java SE 1.6 Beta 2-b86. I guess it's the problem.
I'm going to give Java 1.6 Update 2 a shot.