Tuesday, September 4, 2007

www.mpmag.com.kh: What font?

I installed Limons, ABC, Siemreap, Ekreach and other Khmer fonts, but the text on www.mpmag.com.kh doesn't look right.

Do you know what font does the site use?


  1. Why don't you check the source, dude?

  2. i checked already but still can't find the font.

    A guy said it's MPs Normal.
    I found the stylesheet below.
    But i don't know how he can get it.

    @font-face {
    font-family: MPs Normal;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    src: url(MPS.eot);

  3. Hey dude!

    I have no idea too, but you need to open it in IE to see Khmer text.

    I think it's embedded font.

    Sophal :D
